Saturday, August 4, 2012

What Is Play?

It has been documented that play plays a crucial role in the development of healthy, confident and interested learners ( Bruner 1972, Katz 1987, Isenburg & Quisenberry 1988, Kantrowitz & Wingert 1989, Schickendanz 1990).

Although it is simple to compile a list of play activities, it is much more difficult to define play. Scales, et al., (1991) called play "that absorbing activity in which healthy young children participate with enthusiasm and abandon" (p. 15). Csikszentmihalyi (1981) described play as "a subset of life..., an arrangement in which one can practice behavior without dreading its consequences" (p. 14). Garvey (1977) gave a useful description of play for teachers when she defined play as an activity which is:
1) positively valued by the player;
 2) self-motivated;
3) freely chosen;
4) engaging;
5)"has certain systematic relations to what is not play"

For optimum learning, play must happen within the criteria of
   Safe environments
   Appropriate play materials, equipment and role models
   Planned and appropriate outdoor environments